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In Seite Reid Paley:


Reid Paley fand in der Presse viele positive Rezeptionen:

  • "A voice to turn good girls bad...Maybe crazy but damn exciting." --The Village Voice
  • "A proudly weird talent with a nervy raw appeal." --Time Out New York
  • "Straightforward, sarcastic, funny and gifted at putting a song together." --New York Press
  • "Put simply, the Reid Paley Trio knows how to get down. He's got mischief in his eye, Elvis in his joints, and booze everywhere else." --NYRock
  • "Reduce-you-to-tears razor wit...Reid Paley ought to be a household name." --Pittsburgh City Paper
  • "Everyone has a favorite drinking album. Right now, mine is REVIVAL." --Seattle Weekly
  • "Best 50 Albums of the Year" --Alternative Press
  • "For fans of churlish honesty and unaffected one-man shows, REVIVAL is a nonstop riot." --San Francisco Weekly
  • "More messy jazz from a drunken genius." --City Life, Manchester UK
  • "A soot-black sense of humor as biting as an underfed Rottweiler." --Cleveland Free Times
  • "Best Of Manhattan" --New York Press
  • "An unholy howl of a voice." --CMJ
  • "One of the East Coast's best-kept secrets, his wryly misanthropic schtick is all his own. Live, he is the Bill Hicks of the blues. You need to see him." --What's On In London
  • Four Stars --GermanRollingStone
  • "As Baudelaire was the spleen of Paris, Reid Paley is the spleen of New York... How else could he write such messianic blues, such prophetic rock 'n' roll?" Rue, Paris
  • "Though records like Revival drip with talent, sweat and humor, live is the way to experience Paley." --The Village Voice
  • "Actually, it's more than one date with this vampiric Brooklyn songwriter - it's four. And lucky us. Paley lives on the darker side of Saturday night, his witty ballads backed by a Czechoslovakian upright bass, a trap kit, and a voice that sounds like a bag of gravel in a blender. Just remember - his drawl is worse than his bite." --City Life, Manchester UK
  • "A great musical attraction...a sort of Sinatra for the disaffected." --Mississippi Reflector
  • "Reid Paley is the kind of artist Seattle loves." --The Stranger
  • "Paley's bare-boned and bloody-knuckled approach grabs you like a shot of tequila that's gone down the wrong pipe." --Aquarian Weekly
  • "A jarring reminder of what rock'n'roll once was and could be again." --The Washington Times
  • "For all his simplicity, Reid is like nobody else." --Seattle Weekly
  • "What? You want some kind of description of the artist and his music? Just fucking listen to the guy and enjoy his prowess." -- Frank Black