Citation Hunt Leaderboard

These are users that fixed the most snippets through Citation Hunt in the past 30 days. Well done!

User Edits
Zzz plant 67
Dev720 19
Arutoria 13
Magpie7533 11
Rebecca.YeoStep 10
Notmyusername25 10
F.Laichner59 9
Ayershe 8
Cccirocco 8
Mike Teahan 7
VxhInf6120Assignment 7
HopefulDawn 7
Passerinewader 6
Tallycat1912 6
MSHallenbeck 5
SoyBibliotecaria 4
Someguy707 4
Bobina126978 4
Joaquienstallfesh 4
Planelover26 4
Mlbryson 4
02julia 3
Ebembo 3
PencilMagic 3
DepthsInspired 3
SatiZephyr 3
GreysonMB 3
Bondishloka 3 3
Abcsomwiz 3
Earlgreybae 2
Sleepytimecat 2
LibraryGirl368 2
Najaatu 2
Tdragonlibrarian 18 2
Jason.nlw 2
Joergelp 2
Jessmhammack 2
MaisieMarshall 2
Oliviaoestreicher 2
EuphratesBromeliad 2
Henrydog4 2
Mintyboo52 2
Ceplm 2
Erniee jo 1
Beegrayson 1
LivZombie 1
Yungli0n 1
TheseVGF 1
Beezer17 1