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In page Yakima Canutt:


John Ford hired Canutt on John Wayne's recommendation for Stagecoach, where Canutt supervised the river-crossing scene as well as the Indian chase scene, did the stagecoach drop, and doubled for Wayne in the coach stunts. For safety during the stagecoach drop stunt, Canutt devised modified yokes and tongues to give extra handholds and extra room between the teams.[1] Ford told him that whenever Ford made an action picture and Canutt wasn't working elsewhere, he was on Ford's payroll.[3] Also in 1939, Canutt doubled Clark Gable in the burning of Atlanta in Gone With the Wind. He also appeared as a renegade accosting Scarlett O'Hara (Vivien Leigh) as she crosses a bridge in a carriage driving through a shantytown.[citation needed]