Citation Hunt

The Wikipedia snippet below is not backed by a reliable source. Can you find one?

Click I got this! to go to Wikipedia and fix the snippet, or Next! to see another one. Good luck!

In page Wiki:

This text has been unreferenced on Wikipedia for a very long time. If you can't find a source, be bold and remove it!


Most wikis offer at least a title search, and sometimes a full-text search. The scalability of the search depends on whether the wiki engine uses a database. Some wikis, such as PmWiki, use flat files.[1] MediaWiki's first versions used flat files, but it was rewritten by Lee Daniel Crocker in the early 2000s (decade) to be a database application.[citation needed] Indexed database access is necessary for high speed searches on large wikis. Alternatively, external search engines such as Google Search can sometimes be used on wikis with limited searching functions to obtain more precise results.