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In page Battle of Actium:

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The alliance among Octavian, Mark Antony and Lepidus, commonly known as the Second Triumvirate, was renewed for a five-year term at Tarentum in 37 BC.[1] However, the triumvirate broke down when Octavian saw Caesarion, the professed son of Julius Caesar[2] and Queen Cleopatra VII of Egypt, as a major threat to his power.[3] This occurred when Mark Antony, the other most influential member of the triumvirate, abandoned his wife, Octavian's sister Octavia Minor. Afterward he moved to Egypt to start a long-term romance with Cleopatra, becoming Caesarion's de facto stepfather. Octavian and the majority of the Roman Senate saw Antony as leading a separatist movement that threatened to break the Roman Republic's unity.[citation needed]