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In page Ponte Vecchio:

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The bridge spans the Arno at its narrowest point[1] where it is believed that a bridge was first built in Roman times,[2] when the via Cassia crossed the river at this point.[1] The Roman piers were of stone, the superstructure of wood.[citation needed] The bridge first appears in a document of 996[1] and was destroyed by a flood in 1117[3] and reconstructed in stone. In 1218 the Ponte alla Carraia, a wooden structure, was established nearby which led to it being referred to as "Ponte Nuovo" relative to the older (Vecchio) structure.[3] It was swept away again in 1333[2] except for two of its central piers, as noted by Giovanni Villani in his Nuova Cronica.[4] It was rebuilt in 1345.[5]